Fanart and other works!

On this page you’ll find various fanart and works that we’ve received for our novels.  If you have anything you’d like to share, let us know!

If you’re looking for art from magnifiqueNOIR, we’d recommend checking out this magical page!

From Seeking the Storyteller and the Hunters Series

MuseTap Studios: Mira, Cyn & Haven





ETS Designs: Haven






Chris Malone: Alix




Unknown: Puppet & Julianne, Laura, Harper, Dox






Ann Uland: Haven & Cyn






Diana Hyjek: Mira & Zach





TheDietElf: Xaver, Yvonne

Dapper Raptor Studios: I-lyan

Thea Teufel-Hall: Haven, Mira


Unknown: Harper, Dox


Sabycat: Haven


Treat Me Kindly:





Natalie – by Cat – 2014

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