Author – Jessica Walsh

JessicElyse Shuldhiess - June 2015 (69)a Walsh knows there’s this feeling, when you read a good book, that the world around you melts away to reveal new universes that stretch beyond your imagination. For a good portion of her life, Jessica has chased that feeling by reading books and delving into fantastic worlds that were always so far away.

But that wasn’t enough.

Experiencing those fantasy worlds could only work for so long and soon there was the urge to bring it here, to the real world, so others could feel the magic she felt with each turn of the page. She does this in her writing by bringing a feeling of realism to her stories.  By combining monsters, magic, and mythical creatures with the world we all live in, it’s not too hard to consider a bookstore owner with the power to change the words on a page, or a performer who can make flowers grow in his hand. However normal the story may start, there’s always something lurking in the background, ready to hint at something more.

Now she’s on a journey to share her creations with everyone. She travels to various conventions and presents her written escapes to the people around her, expressing her creativity with her words, her crafts, and her sewing. She’s combined the favorite aspects of her life to show the wonderful fantasies that exist in our everyday lives.

If you’re looking for the articles she’s written about cosplay – check out the cosplay section!

Zines Containing Collected Works:
Dear Fatty – You Will Be A Princess Who Dresses Princesses
Utena Black Rose Saga: Confessional Theatre 

Articles Written:

The Default is NOT White – Personal Blog
Stranger Things Season 1: An Exploration of Death – Persona Blog
What George Lucas Taught Me About the Creative Industry – Personal Blog
Earning Your Plot Points – Personal Blog

Minnesota Conventions to Cosplay at in 2016 – Twin Cities Geek
Don’t Panic! Star Wars Cosplay is Still Okay – Twin Cities Geek
Video Gaming Vicariously – Twin Cities Geek

WatchMojo Scripts:

Top 10 Ultimate Project Runway Challenges
Top 10 Romantic Ballroom Dances in Movies
Top 5 Blatant Product Placement in Anime
Top 10 Documentaries That Will Make You Cry
Top 10 Cannibals in Scary Movies
Top 10 Adorable Animals That Became Viral Sensations
Top 10 Scariest Clown Sightings
Top 10 Awesome Cartoon Redesigns
Top 10 Worst Jobs That Actually Pay Well
Top 10 Most Unique and Progressive Barbies
Top 10 Broadway Songs That Make Us Ugly Cry

Her Books:

To Purchase, check out the main Books Page!
***Jessica also writes Erotica under the pen name Destiny Dawn, and you can view those books here ***


Romance, Sex, and Other Queer Comfort Lit – Spiked and Feathered
Oh My Shelves – Spiked and Feathered

Molly Reviews and Interviews – Beneath the Chapter

Highway YA – Ironbound Kisses
It’s About the Book – Ironbound Kisses
Love Bytes – Ironbound Kisses
Prism Book Alliance – Ironbound Kisses
The Blogger Girls – Ironbound Kisses

Rainbow Gold Reviews – Seeking the Storyteller
Molly Reviews and Interviews – Seeking the Storyteller
Crystal’s Many Reviewers – Seeking the Storyteller
Convergence Book Reviews – Seeking the Storyteller

2Scribe – Seeking the Storyteller

Dale’s Place – Seeking the Storyteller
Opinionated Cupcake – Seeking the Storyteller

Be sure to check Amazon and Goodreads for more reviews!

Author Interviews:
Meet A Writer Monday  
In the Harem Blog
Susan Laine’s Blog
Kate Marie Collins: Last Monday With…
Bookworm Ink
Mermaids and Mayhem
To Read or Not To Read
Anna del C Dye’s Blog
Jeanz Book Read n Review
Authors Supporting Authors
Penny’s Tales
Book Goodies
Writea: Story of Writers

Character Interviews:
Alix DeBenitt from Seeking the Storyteller
Mira from Seeking the Storyteller
Thierry from Seeking the Storyteller

Guest Posts:
Under the Big Top – Dreamspinner Press Blog

RRR Reality Blog – Features Seeking the Storyteller
DRB First Chapter Blog – Ironbound Kisses
Sunday Showcase – Ironbound Kisses